Invitation to Join Faulkner’s Light Brigade
It is our privilege to invite you to become a member of the Faulkner’s Light Brigade. We are a growing group of diverse people with a bold and important vision. Faulkner’s Island and Light, although modest in size, is vast in its environmental significance and beauty. Each member of the Faulkner’s Light Brigade plays a pivotal role in preserving the beauty and function of this great landmark and ecosystem. You are invited to renew your membership or become a new member of the Faulkner’s Light Brigade. Please consider partnering with us as we continue to outwork our mission. Every tax-deductible donation, regardless of amount will be used for the furtherance of preserving this vital landmark.
Guardian of the Light
$500 -$999
Benefactor of the Light
$250 -$499
Patron of the Light
$100 -$249
$50 - $99
$25 - $49
$10 - $24
$5 - $9
Senior or Student
Thank you for your support.
Anthony J. Coppola, MD
President and Chairman
Contact Us